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  排名 学校名称

  1 伊丽莎白女王中学Queen Elizabeth's School(Hertfordshire, UK)

  2 提芬女子学校Tiffin Girls’ School(Kingston-upon-Thames, UK)

  3 亨丽埃塔·巴尼特学校Henrietta Barnett School(London, UK)

  4 威尔逊,学校Wilson's,School(Surrey,UK)

  5 奥特林厄姆女子文法学校Altrincham Grammar School for Girls(Cheshire, UK)

  6 爱德华六世国王坎普山男子学校King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys(West Midlands, UK)

  7 培特文法学校Pate's Grammar School(Gloucestershire, UK)

  8 圣奥莱夫文法学校St Olave's Grammar School(Kent, UK)

  9 科尔切斯特皇家文法学校Colchester Royal Grammar School(Essex, UK)

  10 瑞丁中学Reading,School(Berkshire,UK)

  11 圣迈克尔罗马天主教文法学校St Michael's RC Grammar School(London, UK)

  12 贾德学校Judd,School(Kent,UK)

  13 科利顿文法学校Colyton Grammar School(Devon, UK)

  14 科尔切斯特郡女子中学Colchester County Girls' High School(Essex, UK)

  15 圣母爱丽丝欧文学校Dame Alice Owen's School(Hertfordshire, UK)

  16 拉提默学校Latymer,School(London,UK)

  17 提芬学校Tiffin,School(Surrey,UK)

  18 罗切斯特女子文法学校Rochester Grammar School for Girls(Kent, UK)

  19 达特福德文法学校Dartford Grammar School(Kent, UK)

  20 纪念沃恩红衣主罗马天主教学校Cardinal Vaughan Memorial Roman Catholic School(London, UK)

  21 爱德华六世国王汉兹沃思学校King Edward VI Handsworth School(West Midlands, UK)

  22 沃灵顿郡文法学校Wallington County Grammar School(Surrey, UK)

  23 爱德华六世国王坎普山女子学校King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls(West Midlands, UK)

  24 流明克利斯蒂学院Lumen Christi College(Co. Derry, UK)

  25 坦布里奇韦尔斯女子文法学校Tunbridge Wells Girls' Grammar School(Kent, UK)

  26 堪德瑞克女子文法学校Kendrick Girls' Grammar School(Berkshire, UK)

  27 斯特拉森学校Strathearn,School(Co,Antrim,UK)

  28 沃特福德女子文法学校Watford Grammar School for Girls(Hertfordshire, UK)

  29 沃林顿女子中学Wallington Girls' High School(Surrey, UK)

  30 查洛纳博士文法学校Dr Challoner's Grammar School(Buckinghamshire, UK)

  31 达勒姆约翰斯顿综合中学Durham Johnston Comprehensive School(County Durham, UK)

  32 切姆斯福德郡女子中学Chelmsford County Girls' High School(Essex, UK)

  33 豪克瑞尔盎格鲁欧洲学院Hockerill Anglo-European College(CM23 5HX, UK)

  34 埃弗特郡高级中学Ilford County High School(Essex, UK)

  35 犹太人免费学校JFS(Middlesex,UK)

  36 绍森德男子中学Southend Boys' High School(Essex, UK)

  37 亚夫内学院Yavneh,College(Hertfordshire,UK)

  38 汤布里奇文法学校Tonbridge Grammar School(Kent, UK)

  39 沃特福德男子文法学校Watford Grammar School for Boys(Hertfordshire, UK)

  40 爱德华四世国王学校King Edward IV School(Warwickshire, UK)

  41 蓝衣学校Blue,Coat,School(Merseyside,UK)

  42 萨顿科尔菲尔德女子文法学校Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls(West Midlands, UK)

  43 韦谢伊主教文法学校Bishop Vesey's Grammar School(West Midlands, UK)

  44 楠萨奇女子中学Nonsuch Girls' High School(Surrey, UK)

  45 艾文河畔斯托福德女子文法学校Stratford-upon-Avon Grammar School for Girls(Warwickshire, UK)

  46 威廉博莱斯爵士文法学校Sir William Borlase's Grammar School(Buckinghamshire, UK)

  47 伍德福德郡高中Woodford County High School(Essex, UK)

  48 托基男子文法学校Torquay Boys' Grammar School(Devon, UK)

  49 爱德华六世国王菲弗韦学校King Edward VI Five Ways School(West Midlands, UK)

  50 怀科姆中学Wycombe High School(Buckinghamshire, UK)

  51 皇家文理学校Royal Grammar School(Buckinghamshire, UK)

  52 比肯斯菲尔德中学Beaconsfield High School(Buckinghamshire, UK)

  53 山路预科学院Hills Road Sixth Form College(Cambridge, UK)

  54 凯斯托文法学校Caistor Grammar School(Lincolnshire, UK)

  55 纽斯特德伍德学校Newstead,Wood,School(Kent,UK)

  56 瑞朋文法学校Ripon Grammar School(North Yorkshire, UK)

  57 威尔士语综合学校Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Plasmawr(CF5 3PZ, UK)

  58 帕克斯通文法学校Parkstone Grammar School(Dorset, UK)

  59 伍尔弗汉普顿女子中学Wolverhampton Girls' High School(West Midlands, UK)

  60 韦斯特克利夫女子中学Westcliff Girls' High School(Essex, UK)

  61 奥特林厄姆男子文法学校Altrincham Grammar School for Boys(Cheshire, UK)

  62 克兰布鲁克,学校Cranbrook,School(Kent,UK)

  63 玛丽女王中学女王学院Queen Mary's High School(West Midlands, UK)

  64 托基女子文法学校Torquay Grammar School for Girls(Devon, UK)

  65 艾尔斯伯里中学Aylesbury High School(Buckinghamshire, UK)

  66 斯金纳斯学校Skinners',School(Kent,UK)

  67 圣约翰罗马天主教综合学校St John The Baptist RC Comprehensive School(Surrey, UK)

  68 玛丽女王文法学校Queen Mary's Grammar School(West Midlands, UK)

  69 亚当斯文法学校Adams' Grammar School(Shropshire, UK)

  70 卡姆登女子学校Camden School for Girls(London, UK)

  71 兰卡斯特皇家文法学校Lancaster Royal Grammar School(Lancashire, UK)

  72 纽波特女子中学Newport Girls' High School(Shropshire, UK)

  73 皇家拉丁学校Royal Latin School(Buckinghamshire, UK)

  74 南威尔茨女子文法学校South Wilts Grammar School for Girls(Wiltshire, UK)

  75 帕米特学校Parmiter's School(Hertfordshire, UK)

  76 兰卡斯特女子文法学校Lancaster Girls' Grammar School(Lancashire, UK)

  77 切舍姆文法学校Chesham Grammar School(Buckinghamshire, UK)

  78 斯基普顿女子中学Skipton Girls' High School(North Yorkshire, UK)

  79 达特福德女子文法学校Dartford Grammar School for Girls(Kent, UK)

  80 雷尼基金学校Rainey Endowed School(Co. Londonderry, UK)

  81 托马斯瑞奇爵士学校Sir Thomas Rich's School(Gloucestershire, UK)

  82 哈斯蒙尼高级中学Hasmonean High School(London, UK)

  83 兰格雷文法学校Langley Grammar School(Berkshire, UK)

  84 维斯华斯主教文法学校Bishop Wordsworth's Grammar School(Wiltshire, UK)

  85 班布里奇学院文法学校Banbridge Academy Grammar School(Co. Down, UK)

  86 西克比语法学校West Kirby Grammar School(Merseyside, UK)

  87 女子中学Girls' High School(Gloucestershire, UK)

  88 拉格比高中Rugby High School(Warwickshire, UK)

  89 彻斯顿费勒斯文法学校Churston Ferrers Grammar School(Devon, UK)

  90 绍森德女子中学Southend Girls' High School(Essex, UK)

  91 国王学校King's,School(Cambridgeshire,UK)

  92 巴顿柯特文法学校Barton Court Grammar School(Kent, UK)

  93 伯恩茅斯女子中学Bournemouth School for Girls(Dorset, UK)

  94 司铎德高级中学Stroud High School(Gloucestershire, UK)

  95 卢根学院Lurgan,College(Craigavon,UK)

  96 埃姆斯特德文法学校Ermysted's Grammar School(North Yorkshire, UK)

  97 兰德林多德中学Llandrindod High School(Powys, UK)

  98 圣马克罗马天主教学校St Mark's Roman Catholic School(Middlesex, UK)

  99 梅德斯通女子文法学校Maidstone Grammar School for Girls(Kent, UK)

  100 大卫王中学King David High School(Lancashire, UK)

  101 洛雷托文法学校Loreto Grammar School(Co. Tyrone, UK)

  102 因维克塔文法学校Invicta Grammar School(Kent, UK)

  103 撒芙伦华登郡高中Saffron Walden County High School(Essex, UK)

  104 威勒尔女子文法学校Wirral Grammar School for Girls(Merseyside, UK)

  105 伊丽莎白女王文法学校Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School(Lincolnshire, UK)

  106 圣安布罗斯学院St,Ambrose,College(Cheshire,UK)

  107 凯斯特文和格兰特姆女子中学Kesteven and Grantham Girls' School(Lincolnshire, UK)

  108 佛提斯莫尔学校Fortismere,School(London,UK)

  109 米尔西尔郡中学Mill Hill County High School(London, UK)

  110 奇斯尔赫斯特和锡德卡普文法学校Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School(Kent, UK)

  111 劳伦斯谢里夫学校Lawrence Sheriff School(Warwickshire, UK)

  112 圣多米尼克高级中学St Dominic's Sixth Form College(Harrow on The Hill, UK)

  113 德文波特男子中学Devonport Boys' High School(Devon, UK)

  114 万圣罗马天主教学校All Saints Roman Catholic School(Yorkshire, UK)

  115 约翰汉普顿语法学校John Hampden Grammar School(Buckinghamshire, UK)

  116 阿什莫尔学院Ashmole,Academy(London,UK)

  117 凯斯特文与斯利福德中学Kesteven and Sleaford High School(Lincolnshire, UK)

  118 亨利弗洛伊德爵士文法学校Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School(Buckinghamshire, UK)

  119 罗杰曼伍德爵士学校Sir Roger Manwood's School(Kent, UK)

  120 瑞德合学校Radyr Comprehensive School(Cardiff, UK)

  121 爱德华六世国王艾森顿学校King Edward VI Aston School(West Midlands, UK)

  122 圣克莱门特丹尼斯学校St Clement Danes School(Hertfordshire, UK)

  123 普尔文法学校Poole,Grammar,School(Dorset,UK)

  124 巴尔卡拉斯学校Balcarras School(Gloucestershire, UK)

  125 布鲁克威斯顿学院Brooke Weston CTC(Northamptonshire, UK)

  126 海斯特德文法学校Highsted Grammar School(Kent, UK)

  127 温斯坦利,学院Winstanley,College(Wigan,UK)

  128 伊丽莎白女王文法学校Queen Elizabeth Grammar School(Cumbria, UK)

  129 冈纳斯伯里天主教学校Gunnersbury Catholic School(Middlesex, UK)

  130 韦斯特克利夫男子中学Westcliff Boys' High School(Essex, UK)

  131 玛格丽特夫人学院Lady Margaret School(London, UK)

  132 圣乔治学校St George's School(Hertfordshire, UK)

  133 格林海德学院greenhead College(Huddersfield, UK)

  134 伊曼纽尔学院Emmanuel College(Tyne and Wear, UK)

  135 伊丽莎白女王文法学校Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School(Derbyshire, UK)

  136 坦布里奇韦尔斯男子文法学校Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys(Kent, UK)

  137 圣菲洛米纳学校St Philomena's School(Carshalton, UK)

  138 爱德华六世国王文法学校King Edward VI Grammar School(Lincolnshire, UK)

  139 科洛马修道院女子学校Coloma Convent Girls' School(Surrey, UK)

  140 贝克斯利,文法学校Bexley,Grammar,School(Kent,UK)

  141 汤利女子文法学校Townley Grammar School for Girls(Kent, UK)

  142 塔普顿学院Tapton,School(South,Yorkshire,UK)

  143 约瑟夫威廉姆森爵士数学学院Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School(Kent, UK)

  144 伍德豪斯学院Woodhouse,College(London,UK)

  145 凯斯,威克,学校Keswick,School(Cumbria,UK)

  146 布勒斯伍德学校Bullers,Wood,School(Kent,UK)

  147 纽曼红衣主教学院Cardinal Newman College(Preston, UK)

  148 凯瑟琳伯克利夫人学校Katharine Lady Berkeley's School(Gloucestershire, UK)

  149 贝豪斯,中学Bay,House,School(Hampshire,UK)

  150 慈幼会,学校Salesian,School(Surrey,UK)

  151 拉法主教英格兰教会学校Bishop Luffa CofE School(West Sussex, UK)

  152 伦敦奥拉托里学校London Oratory School(London, UK)

  153 兰利帕克男子学校Langley Park School for Boys(Kent, UK)

  154 圣伦纳德罗马天主教自愿资助综合学校St Leonard's RC Voluntary Aided Comprehensive School(County Durham, UK)

  155 合议文法学校Collegiate Grammar School(Co. Fermanagh, UK)

  156 希斯,赛德,学校Heathside,School(Surrey,UK)

  157 法莫学校Farmor's School(Gloucestershire, UK)

  158 法林根中学Farlingaye High School(Suffolk, UK)

  159 霍尔特,中学Holt,School(Berkshire,UK)

  160 芭克莆罗斯顿斯托文法中学Bacup and Rawtenstall Grammar School(Lancashire, UK)

  161 西布里奇福德学校West Bridgford School(Nottinghamshire, UK)

  162 海沃思女子文法学校Highworth Grammar School for Girls(Kent, UK)

  163 厄普顿考特文法学校Upton Court Grammar School(Berkshire, UK)

  164 七,国王中学,Seven,Kings,High,School(Essex,UK)

  165 艾塞斯特文法学校Alcester Grammar School(Warwickshire, UK)

  166 格瑞夫尼学校Graveney,School(London,UK)

  167 爱德华六世国王学院(斯陶尔布里奇)King Edward VI College Stourbridge(Stourbridge, UK)

  168 威林克学校Willink,School(Berkshire,UK)

  169 唐斯学校Downs,School(Berkshire,UK)

  170 圣心玛利女子学校Sacred Heart of Mary Girls' School(Essex, UK)

  171 亥克蒙德威克文法中学Heckmondwike Grammar School(West Yorkshire, UK)

  172 克里克维尔高级中Crickhowell High School(Powys, UK)

  173 主教斯托福德中学Bishop's Stortford High School(Hertfordshire, UK)

  174 霍斯福斯学校Horsforth School(West Yorkshire, UK)

  175 奥克伍德公园文法学校Oakwood Park Grammar School(Kent, UK)

  176 约翰凯勒中学和预科中心John Kyrle High School and Sixth Form Centre(Ross-on-Wye, UK)

  177 泰瑟灵顿中学Tytherington High School(Cheshire, UK)

  178 斯特雷特福德文法学校Stretford Grammar School(Greater Manchester, UK)

  179 灰衣医院学校Grey Coat Hospital School(London, UK)

  180 拉尔夫,艾伦学校Ralph,Allen,School(Bath,UK)

  181 圣尼古拉斯罗马天主教中学St Nicholas RC High School(Cheshire, UK)

  182 瑞布斯顿霍尔中学Ribston Hall High School(Gloucestershire, UK)

  183 鹰头狮,学校Gryphon,School(Dorset,UK)

  184 科茨沃尔德学校Cotswold School(Gloucestershire, UK)

  185 贝克特,学校Becket,School(Nottingham,UK)

  186 彼得西蒙兹学院Peter Symonds College(Winchester, UK)

  187 库珀斯公司和科伯恩学校Coopers' Company and Coborn School(Essex, UK)

  188 圣玛丽罗马天主教中学St Mary's RC High School(Derbyshire, UK)

  189 威塞克斯国王社区学校Kings of Wessex Community School(Somerset, UK)

  190 毕晨克利夫学校Beechen,Cliff,School(Bath,UK)

  191 国王学校King's,School(Lincolnshire,UK)

  192 赛克西学校Sexey's,School(Somerset,UK)

  193 里克曼斯沃思学校Rickmansworth School(Hertfordshire, UK)

  194 富尔福德学校Fulford School(North Yorkshire, UK)

  195 哈维文法学校Harvey,Grammar,School(Kent,UK)

  196 彻韦尔学校Cherwell,School(Oxfordshire,UK)

  197 伊丽莎白女王中学Queen Elizabeth's High School(Lincolnshire, UK)

  198 伊尔克利文法学校Ilkley Grammar School(West Yorkshire, UK)

  199 凯瑟琳女王学校Queen Katherine School(Cumbria, UK)

  200 圣保罗罗马天主教学院St Paul's RC College(Sussex, UK)




