开始日期: 2024-03-23
课时安排: 7周在线小组科研学习+5周不限时论文指导学习
适合年级 (Grade): 大学生及以上
适合专业 (Major): 电子电气工程、无线通信、通信与信息系统、通信和信号处理等专业或希望修读相关专业的学生;具备信号与系统、工程数学、Matlab编程基础知识的学生优先
伦敦大学学院 University College London (UCL)讲席终身正教授
Kit导师现任伦敦大学学院讲席终身正教授、是UCL通信与互联系统研究所(ICCS)成员,在电子与电气工程系(EEE)教授无线通信、数字信号处理等课程,是美国电气与电子工程师学会(IEEE)会士、英国工程技术学会(IET)会士,香港城市大学本硕博学位,曾任香港科技大学的客座教授及香港大学的研究助理教授。导师学术成果丰硕,曾在IEEE无线通信学报(IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications)等业内知名期刊发表论文百余篇、多次受邀出席IEEE通信国际会议 ( IEEE International Conference on Communications)并担任组委会主席和技术委员会委员并发表演讲。导师的研究方向为认知无线电网络、协作通信、大规模MIMO技术、多用户通信理论、毫米波通信等。
Since August 2006, Professor kit has been with University College London, first at Adastral Park Campus and at present the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, where he is Professor of Wireless Communications. He is also a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of IET. He is Senior Editor for the IEEE Communications Letters and IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. He also served as Editor for IEEE ComSoc/KICS Journal of Communications and Networks from 2010-2017, IET Communications from 2009-2016, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications from 2005-2011 and IEEE Signal Processing Letters from 2009-2012. His current research interests center around: physical-layer security,massive MIMO and energy-harvesting wireless communication.
伦敦大学学院(UCL)创建于1826年,位于英国伦敦,是一所享誉世界的综合研究型大学,G5大学之一,在多个世界大学排行榜上位居全球前十名。伦敦大学学院诞生了33名诺贝尔奖得主、3名菲尔兹奖得主以及众多科学领域的名人。伦敦大学学院位居2020QS世界大学排名世界第8,2019URAP世界大学排名世界第5,在REF 2014 英国大学官方排名中科研实力以及影响力均位列全英第1。
从20世纪中期摩托罗拉公司研发了世界上最早的民用移动通信电话至今,移动通信网络已从1G时代发展到5G+时代。随着移动通信技术的飞速发展,全球用户数量及业务需求与日俱增,而当有限的网络资源无法满足无限的市场需求时通信质量就会随之下降。网络通信的影响因素众多,其中无线电频率是通信网络中具有重要战略意义的稀缺资源,在通信网络中,合理有效的频率分配策略对资源分配、提高利用率起着显著的作用。全球在相继进入5G时代的同时也制定了相应的5G频谱战略,项目将带领学生以基本信号及系统为基础,了解通信网络前沿技术,学习5G及以上移动通讯网路的频率分配问题。Since Motorola developed the world's earliest civilian mobile phone in the middle of the 20th century, the mobile communication network has developed from the 1G era to the 5G+era. With the rapid development of mobile communication technology, the number of global users and business demand are increasing day by day. When the limited network resources cannot meet the unlimited market demand, the communication quality will decline. There are many factors affecting network communication, among which radio frequency is a scarce resource of strategic significance in the communication network. In the communication network, a reasonable and effective frequency allocation strategy plays a significant role in resource allocation and improving utilization. While the world has entered the 5G era, it has also formulated corresponding 5G spectrum strategies. The project will lead students to understand the cutting-edge technology of communication networks and learn the frequency allocation of 5G and above mobile communication networks based on basic signals and systems.
5G移动通信信道编码技术研究 This project will lead students to study the technical principles of cellular networks and frequency planning, path loss and fading channel model, network capacity calculation, multi-user power allocation based on water injection algorithm, etc., starting from the basic principles of wireless communication systems, and realize the maximum utilization of spectrum resources through intelligent frequency allocation, thus improving the performance of communication systems. At the end of the project, students will complete the project report, propose their own mobile network frequency allocation method, and use Matlab to test its feasibility and show the results.
Individualized research topics reference:
Research on channel modeling methods in vehicular and UAV mobile communication environments
Research on key technology of low orbit mobile communication satellite high frequency resonant power supply system
Key technology
Research on uplink synchronization of low orbit LTE satellite mobile communication system
Research on 5G mobile communication channel coding technology
移动通信系统的频率规划 Cellular networks and frequency planning
路径损耗模型、衰落信道 Pathloss model and channel fading
蜂窝网络的容量计算 Capacity calculation of cellular network
基于注水算法的多用户频率分配问题 Multiuser water-filling allocation
其他注水算法频率分配问题 Some variants of water-filling allocation
项目回顾与成果展示 Program Review and Presentation
论文辅导 Project Deliverables Tutoring
7周在线小组科研学习+5周不限时论文指导学习 共125课时
优秀学员获主导师Reference Letter