开始日期: 2024-04-27
课时安排: 7周在线小组科研学习+5周不限时论文指导学习
适合年级 (Grade): 高中生/大学生
适合专业 (Major): 动物学、动物医学、兽医学、免疫学、生物学、生理学等生命科学专业或对上述专业感兴趣的学生。学生需要具备细胞学、免疫学、分子生物学基础。
牛津大学 University of Oxford终身正教授
Martin教授现任牛津大学Nuffield医学系终身正教授、兼任瑞士伯尔尼 Inselspital RIA 免疫学系主任、伯尔尼大学免疫学教授、苏黎世大学客座教授,并且在Thurgau生物技术研究所担任科学顾问。早年他师从1996年诺贝尔生理及医学奖获得者罗夫·辛克纳吉Rolf M. Zinkernagel,和瑞士著名分子生物学Michael Hengartner。
Martin is a professor at the Nuffield Department of Medicine at the University of Oxford, he has demonstrated that highly repetitive structures enhance B cell responses by efficiently cross-linking B cell receptors as well as efficiently innervating the innate humoral immune system. This provides an explanation for the high immunogenicity of viruses and many bacteria. And use the concept of epitope repeatability as molecular PAMPs to develop new vaccine platforms.Novartis, Pfizer, and Singapore's A*Star have all conducted various clinical studies based on this technology. He has also developed new expression systems, functional genomics technology based on mammalian cell display, and technology for isolating fully human antibodies, and has a very high academic level in the medical community. He is also the head of the Department of Immunology at the Inselspital RIA in Bern, Switzerland, a professor of immunology at the University of Bern, and a visiting professor at the University of Zurich. He is the scientific advisory board of several companies and the scientific advisory board of the Thurgau Institute of Biotechnology.
牛津大学(University of Oxford)建校于1167年,是世界范围内历史最为悠久的大学之一,是英国Top2高校、G5名校。牛津大学享有世界声誉,在英国社会和高等教育系统中具有极其重要的地位,同时具有广泛的世界性影响。许多青年学子都以到牛津大学深造为理想。牛津大学在2020年QS世界大学综合排名位列第4。导师所在的工程科学系在最近英国政府组织的研究评估中荣获全国第一。
动物疫病危害严重,不仅引起大批动物发病和死亡,而且影响动物及其产品的安全和国际贸易,甚至对人类健康造成威胁,据报道约60%–80%的人类新发传染病(Emerging infectious diseases, EIDs)来源于动物。接种疫苗是预防和控制动物传染病最有效、最经济的策略之一。通过接种疫苗可以降低疫病的发病率、并发症和动物的死亡率,减少经济损失。尤其,宠物疫苗潜在空间达 106 亿元。从标准免疫程序来看,宠物犬每年需注射一针犬六联疫苗,根据进口品牌价格测算新生犬疫苗费用为 240 元,此后每年疫苗费用至少为 80 元;宠物猫每年需注射一针猫三联+狂犬病疫苗,新生猫疫苗费用为 280元,此后每年 140 元。若保守以当前全国 0.55 亿只宠物犬、0.44 亿只宠物猫为基数,同时考虑到出厂价格存在的折价,预计宠物疫苗潜在空间为 53 亿元,未来随着宠物数量的增长空间将更为广阔。
个性化研究课题参考: 动物病毒重组活载体疫苗研究进展 佐剂在牛病疫苗中的应用探究 淋巴瘤中免疫检查点抑制剂研究
This project starts with the basics of immunology and analyzes the working principle of the basic immune system. Then, the professor will lead the students to deeply analyze the different design principles and modes of action of animal vaccines and human therapeutic vaccines. Taking cancer vaccines as a specific example, the professor will lead students to analyze animal preclinical trials and human clinical studies, and analyze the success of frontier use of checkpoint inhibitor technology. At the end of the project, students will submit a project research report and present their results. Suggested Research Fields: Research progress of animal virus recombinant live vector vaccines Research on the application of adjuvant in bovine disease vaccine The Highs and Lows of Immune-Checkpoint Blockade in Lymphoma
免疫学和基础疫苗学、先天性和适应性免疫系统简介 Introduction to immunology and basic vaccinology, Innate and adaptive immune system
动物疫苗,特应性皮炎,细胞因子 Vaccines in companion animals,Atopic dermatitis, cytokines
人类治疗性疫苗,过敏、炎症、成瘾、神经退行性疾病 Therapeutic vaccines in humans ,Allergy, inflammation, addiction, neurodegenerative disorders
癌症疫苗,动物临床前试验和人体临床研究,使用检查点抑制剂取得的成功 Vaccines in cancer ,Preclinical experiments in animals and human clinical studies including recent successes using checkpoint inhibitors
项目回顾与成果展示 Program review and presentation
论文辅导 Project deliverable tutoring
7周在线小组科研学习+5周不限时论文指导学习 共125课时
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